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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Orbit-Stabilizer and Covering Maps

Last week, in our quantum Mechanics class, we were going over symplectic spaces and symplectic transformations. A symplectic space is just a manifold together with a skew-symmetric non-degenerate bilinear form J defined on it, and a symplectic transformation S is a transformation of the manifold into itself such that it preserves J. One of the most common examples is when we take our manifold to be M=\mathbb{F}^{2n} and the symplectic form


where F is a field and I_n is the identity matrix. This is a symplectic manifold, and the set of symplectic transformations is know as Sp(n,F). This is a well known Lie Group acting by multiplication on M, and one of its goodness is that this action is transitive, that is, for any non-zero x,y\in M, there is S\in Sp(n,F) such that y=Sx.

This statement was actually part of our homework, to prove that the action is transitive, and I wanted to find a nicer way to prove it and not to do a proof that I had seen before in my previous courses, so I started thinking a bit of many different ways of saying that this action was transitive.

One way of seen this is by turning around the problem saying what would happen if we let S to run over Sp(n,F) and look at Sx for x fixed? Well, that is saying something like the orbit of x is M/\{0\} and that started to sound a bit familiar.

I was trying then to use some kind of orbit-stabilizer theorem and then use some cardinality argument and kill the problem. Although, I only did remember the finite version of this powerful theorem, which obviously, wouldn't help me at all, but in essence, that was what I was looking for. A cardinality argument would not help me in this situation, because I could have some proper subspace of the same cardinality of M and this wouldn't lead me to the conclusion I was going after. Instead, a dimensionality argument was needed.

While searching for this and thinking what actually was going on behind the scenes in this group action, I saw how helpful is the notion of representation for understanding a strange object.

If G is a Lie Group, we call a representation of it, a vector space V in which G acts on. We can think as G be some sort of subgroup of Gl(V), the set of linear transformations of V into itself. For an element x of V, we can talk about the G orbit through x, O_x as the set of all g.x for g\in G. In some sense, O_x is a copy of the shape of G. Also, from the geometrical point of view, a Lie Group is a manifold, endowed with superpowers (group structure) and hence, we can think of these orbits into V as coordinate maps of G given by \phi(g)=g.x, so really O_x is how G looks locally.

For example, take O(2), which is the group of all 2\times 2 matrices O such that OO^T=I. This group is quite odd to picture, since it is a 1 dimensional manifold living in a 4 dimensional space, but by means of orbits, one can have a pretty good idea of how this group looks like. By picking a nonzero vector x and looking at its orbit in \mathbb{R}^2, one can find that O(2) looks locally like a circle.

In the general case, one can think as G being a covering for O_x and the degree of the cover is the number of connected components of G, for instance, in the above case, O(2) has 2 connected components, the set of matrices with determinant equal to 1 and those of determinant equal to -1, and that fact is reflected in O_x as the vector g.x rotates counter clockwise for O(2)_e (the identity component) and rotates clockwise in the other component, so each circle is drawn twice, and that means that O(2) is a 2-fold cover for each O_x.

In this language, we can say that the stabilizer G_X of an element x, is the fiber \phi^{-1}(x) whose cardinality gives us the degree of the covering map.

Actually, from this point of view, \phi defines a quotient map, which is very suitable for an orbit-stabilizer type argument. Since the stabilizer G_x is a normal subgroup, one can think of G as a principal G_x-bundle as G/G_x\times G_x and making the identification G/G_x\sim O_x and G_x\sim \phi^{-1}(x) we have that G\sim O_x\times\phi^{-1}(x).

Going away from counting arguments and going more into dimensionality, I found the so called Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem for Lie Groups which have the same feeling as the covering map approach. It states that


where dim is regarded as manifolds.

In the O(2) case, we have that dim(G)=1, dim(O_x)=1 and dim(G_x)=0 as any of the other cases when G_x is a finite group, and hence, we have that \phi is a quotient map and dim(G)=dim(O_x) as expected from a covering map.

At the end, I didn't use any of these arguments for my proof, but I found quite enjoyable doing this diversion from my first thought.

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